Career Opportunity

Cloud Data Scientist and Software Engineer

We are seeking applications to join our team building cloud-based software solutions and customer focused implementations of cloud-based data processing workflows from massive big data repositories to value-added information products including cloud-based data visualization. The successful applicant will work largely in a remote work environment with some face-to-face meetings with the team spread throughout the year at company retreats, and some travel to scientific conferences, continued learning seminars, and customer training workshops.

Core Tasks of the Job Entail:

  • CI/CD of the Software for Earth big data Processing, Prediction Modeling, and Organization (SEPPO). SEPPO is Earth Big Data’s flagship software product to enable cloud-based scaling of big data processing and analysis based on AWS components. SEPPO is a modular software designed to allow customers quick implementation of their workflows in a cloud- based solution. The job entails daily work on algorithm development and testing for software updates and releases.

  • Setting up unit testing environments for SEPPO.

  • SEPPO code refactoring to adapt to changing software solutions. As new and improved solutions become available in the python ecosystem, SEPPO will evolve to be at the cutting edge, yet fully tested and robust. Updates that save compute time in cloud-based processing will be continuously integrated and the software will be tested thoroughly before release.

  • Customer solutions implementation in scaling workflows including API based workflows.

  • Customer training and support. The applicant will be involved in customer training, handbook writing, and user support.

  • Representation of Earth Big Data at trade shows and conferences

Required Skills:

  • AWS familiarity on the use of the elastic compute cloud, s3 bucket management, IAM management

  • AWS API Gateway, EventBridge, Lambda familiarity to support automated workflow deployment

  • Excellent python programming

  • Excellent Linux/bash scripting skills

  • Basic Linux system administration knowledge

  • SQL database programming and administration (ideally Postgres and PostGIS)

  • Web-server setup and administration based on AWS components

  • Javascript knowledge to support web-based visualizations

  • Background in remote sensing and geospatial data processing is desired

  • Fluency in English. Other language skills, in particular German, are a plus

Please submit your application with cover letter, curriculum vitae to